Israel365 Action, Israel365’s new party in the World Zionist Congress, was born in the wake of October 7th 2023.

It’s platform rests on 3 pillars:

  • Stand for Judea & Samaria
  • Build Strong Alliances
  • Provide Strong Leadership

Our Vision

Stand for Judea & Samaria

Our foundational texts and history are clear that the entire Land of Israel is the homeland and eternal possession of the Jewish People.

For far too long, the leadership of the Jewish people has accepted and even promoted the idea of “Land for Peace” and a “Two-State Solution.” After October 7th we must, once and for all, move past this dangerous way of thinking.

Israel365 Action will strengthen Israel’s historic Jewish identity.

We will promote a Zionism that is rooted in the significant history and sites in the biblical heartland. From the historic Temples in Zion, to Jacob’s ladder in Bethel, from the Tabernacle in Shilo, to Israel’s first national service to God by Joshua at Mount Ebal, we will re-enchant the Jewish People with its majestic roots, and we oppose policies that contradict Israel’s classical Jewish character. With renewed Jewish pride, we will transform the often negative global perception of Israel and reduce antisemitism and anti-Zionism.

Israel365 Action will work to end the current double-standard that discriminates against the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria.

We will direct funding towards strengthening these communities and toward educating Jews worldwide about the great Jewish heritage found in these places.

Build Strong Alliances

The Jewish people must positively engage with those outside the Jewish community who share this belief, investing in these relationships to ensure support into the future. In the wake of October 7th and Israel’s current war it has become clear that Israel’s most reliable friends are Christians who support Israel due to their faith. Jewish and Zionist leadership has neglected and mishandled the relationship to these steadfast supporters of Israel, leading to the danger that this support will not be there in the future. Recent polling shows that younger Christians are less engaged with and less supportive of Israel. Israel365 is a leader in cultivating strong relationships with pro-Israel Christians. 

Israel365 Action will direct resources towards engaging and educating the younger generation of Christians, thus ensuring that strong Christian support for Israel will continue into the future.

Provide Strong Leadership

The Zionist movement needs a new direction and new leadership.

According to Pew Research (2021) study of the American Jewish community, the younger the demographic of Jews, the less Zionist they are. This trend holds true around the world as well. This fact alone points to the failure of Jewish leadership in America. According to the same Pew Research study, two thirds of American Jews support the creation of a Palestinian state while only one third answered yes to the question: “Do you believe that God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people?” It is clear that Jewish education has failed in transmitting the most fundamental connection between Jewish identity and the land of Israel to the next generation.

Urgent need for a new direction in Zionist education

Even as thousands of Jewish youth travel to Israel on trips such as Birthright and through denominational youth groups, there is little to no engagement with Judea and Samaria, the area of Israel most rich with our national heritage. 


The Zionist movement has an urgent need for a new direction in Zionist education. In addition, there is an urgent need for greater transparency with regard to the resources of the World Zionist Organization. There is a shocking lack of accountability for how resources are used. 

Israel365 Action will work to change the direction of Jewish leadership, prioritizing educational initiatives that reframe Zionism so that it is rooted in the core of Jewish identity – the Bible and the history of the Jewish people in the land of Israel.

Join the Movement

Apply to be a Delegate

Fill out the form below and a delegate from the One Jewish State party will be in touch to schedule a 10 minute Zoom interview and questionnaire.